The Original Publications

Branch Sabbath School Lessons

Available 2/20/23 

See  nav bar on lower left for part 1 and part 2 Branch Sabbath School Lessons.

These extensive and historical Sabbath School Lessons cover The Branch Message in greater detail as produced by Ben Roden and his staff from 1958 to 1978.  These lesson studies constitute the FIFTH Angel's Message of Revelation 14:17, the revelation of Jesus' New Name which accompanied the revelation of the opening of the Judgment for the Living, the actual date of the opening, the Divine Summons to the Advent people, first announced by Ellen White in GC490 and finally by Victor Houteff for 25 years prior to the opening of the Judgment in 1955 conducted in the Sanctuary above, the revelation of Christ Himself, The BRANCH, our Great High Priest, in His New Name, in His new office OFFICIALLY ANNOUNCED in the final phase of the Sanctuary judgment as He began the Judgment for the "living saints" on earth.   Ellen White announced this final and THIRD phase of The Advent Movement of 1844, to the present day, in her landmark statement in Early Writings page 15 where she quotes Revelation 3:12, revealing the long three step development of the Revelation 14 Angels Messages which was also stated and predicted in the book "Life Incidents" by James White, pages 306 and 307.  The BRANCH Message is the Third Step of the Revelation 14 messages.  

"The 144,000 were all sealed and perfectly united. On their foreheads was written, God, New Jerusalem, and a glorious star containing Jesus’ new name."  EW 15

"God" -- The First Sealing Message for the Movement (1844).
"New Jerusalem" -- The Second Sealing Message for the Movement (1930 to 1955).
"Jesus' New Name" -- The Third Sealing Message for the Movement (1955 to 1978).

A more extensive and  expanded history of The Branch Message and Movement is contained in these Sabbath School Lessons as well as essentially all of the major truths and revelation of the Fifth Angel's Message beginning in 1955 only a few months after the passing of messenger Victor T. Houteff, the Fourth Angel's messenger, the message that announced the coming of "revival and reformation, this GREAT Change" that began in 1955. 

1 Timely Greetings 8:24 - VTH

"Obviously, then, as a result of this revival and reformation within the Laodicean church, another church emerges of which Joshua is in charge, not the angel of Laodicea.  In it there are to be neither "tares" (Matt. 13:30), "bad fish" (Matt. 13:47, 48), or "goats" (Matt. 25:32).  The Laodicean, the seventh, is the last that is commingled with hypocrites, saints and sinners. {1TG8: 24.3}

"Who is to bring this revival and reformation, this great change? -- The BRANCH.  And according to Isaiah 11:1 to 5, the Branch is the Lord, the Son of David.  We shall now read- {1TG8: 24.4}

Zech.3:9 -- "For behold the stone that I have laid before Joshua; upon one stone shall be seven eyes: behold, I will engrave the graving thereof, saith the Lord of hosts, and I will remove the iniquity of that land in one day." {1TG8: 24.5}

"Those who sit before Joshua are "men wondered at."  As such they are depicted by the "stone" (church, or Kingdom) that is in Joshua's sight.  It has seven eye-perfect vision.  When this purification of the church takes place then the sin in the land is quickly removed -- "in one day." {1TG8: 25.1}

"Here is seen genuine revival and reformation accompanied by the purification of the church.  The Lord is to have a pure church and a clean people. {1TG8: 25.2} 

The editor